Thursday, March 01, 2007

Charity Daw - fun and stunning!!!

Working with Charity Daw was a blast. She was a sweet heart right from the begining.

We did these a couple of months ago, and I will be doing another session wih her some time in March. I took a look at the last session just to check them out, and they are so geourgeous I had to share a few with you.

Charity was clowning around while still in one of the T-Shirts she designs and sells. She is so beautiful on the inside as well as . . . hot on the outside :)

The pictures above were some of the shots from that day, and yes- we had a great time :)

After the T Shirt stuff, we got down to business. Looking good, yeah baby !!!

Charity is an up and coming singer, and obviously I think she photographs really well - all the way down to her cute feet - lol.
Check out more of her pictures and her songs about at Charity's MySpace space.

God Bless ya-
Peter Gregg Photography

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I never know what everyone else looks like, so I bet others think the same thing. Well, this is good old me - handsome dude huh - lol.

Catch you tomorrow.

God Bless ya-
Peter Gregg Photography

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Kids and Candy

Kids and candy go together like they where made for each other. Here are some pictures using candy to get rich shutter happy pictures.

God Bless ya-
Peter Gregg Photography